Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Creativity and Learning Through Copyright Infringement, chapter 2

I thought I'd share a very old-fashioned and quaint way of doing what I had mentioned in the last post. One of my favorite blogs posted a bit about her daughter often "copying" favorite books, and adding herself into the mix, or even a sibling. Please checkout the link, it's really phenomenal.

I think about how incredible a learning tool this type of self-expression is all the time. Being able to take something you love and make it your own is only one part to this. Being able to look at something (in this case, an illustration) and spend time 1) figuring out how it's done, and 2) figuring out how to manipulate it to your liking (in this case, drawing it for yourself and adding a sibling) is mind-blowing stuff for someone of any age, let alone a child. I can't imagine the brilliance we'd see if kids were taught to do this kind of thing. I would also argue that it is incredibly self-building. Even though you are taking something from someone else, it is typically something you love, so being able to apply yourself to it is really significant on a personal level.

This girl is incredibly lucky to be doing something so important.

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